It’s rare that I have to jump up on my soapbox these days. But California’s Meisha Barbee still doesn’t have much of a web presence other than PCD! How can that be? (Sigh) She has a little spot on Facebook.

She’s won a Niche award! She does a big wholesale business. Her refined, color-perfect work makes us feel good in an updated-retro sort of way. Wouldn’t you like to see more? She wants to start teaching so she’ll surely have to have a site soon.
I’ll be hounding Meisha for the next couple of days at Synergy and you can join me by leaving a comment. More Meisha! More Synergy on Monday after I’ve had time to sift and sort photos and process all the great ideas floating here.
Sandra ,
More Meisha! LOL! She really does a beautiful job and it’s a shame we can’t see more of them.
Julie Picarello ,
More Meisha indeed! Her harmonious control of color and pattern and texture captivated me when I first met her and saw her work at Sandy Camp years ago, and the simplicity of her designs perfectly showcases them. The bonus? Her creativity is matched by her lovely personality!
Libby Mills ,
Absolutely more Meisha! Her work is so wonderful and we shouldn’t have to wait for a Synergy to come along to see it.
Patrice Pfeiffer ,
definately more Meisha! Lovely work And such an awesome person!
We would love to see more of Meisha’s work. I miss seeing Meisha too. Hope you are all having lots of fun at Synergy.
Randee M Ketzel ,
GO Meisha! I had the pleasure of meeting her at CCLV and can attest to the fact the she is a lovely a person as her work—soothing, harmonious and exquisitely balanced. Be aware, however, that Austin Polymer Clay Guild has first dibs on teching gigs when she takes the plunge!
Beautiful…more please Meisha!
Janet pitcher ,
Yeah, more Meisha! Great new work! Take a day off from the studio and get going on the website! Give me a call when you get home and we can talk about a website builder I’m going to try! It’s so hard to get out of the studio and onto the computer!
Yes, More Meisha! I fell in love with her stuff several years ago when I was in California. Would love to see more and have a way to acquire some.
Meisha, we would love to see the full scope of your work! Your color sense is fabulous and we would love to see all your color palettes instead of one every so often. You know a website would be a great idea for you!
I’m new to polymer clay and would love to learn the “Meisha art”. I’m particularly interested in jewelry made with polymer clay. Hope to follow and learn from you.
Sandra DeYoung Niese ,
Oh so beautiful. I LOVE the funky flowers. I want to see more please!
Sabine Spiesser ,
Simply Stunning Meisha! You do need a blog or website!
Olga ,
Hellow! I see stylish and discreet work. I would like to see more!
Carol Blackburn ,
I totally agree with the above comments. Her choice colours always work well.
She was fun to hang out with at Synergy and is a fan of Rex Ray’s work, too.