You won’t find any polymer on Karen Totten’s Etsy gallery…yet. This artist usually works in ceramics and metals but she recently took an ArtBliss class with Christine Damm and polymer is creeping into her sketches.
On the ArtJewelryElements blog she explains, “I have long wanted to blend my painting skills with my newer dimensional work in ceramics and metal. I have been toying with layering and blending of glazes, underglazes, and wax patinas, but have never been fully satisfied with this. At ArtBliss I was introduced to the world of polymer. But what really got me jazzed was how well it took paint media.”
These are Karen’s samples from Christine’s class in Virginia. Here she is on Facebook and here’s her Etsy shop (stay tuned for polymer).
As more artists add polymer to their media mixes, it makes my job harder as I squint to figure out what material they’re using.
Erin Prais-Hintz ,
I love Miss Karen! Her ceramic work is lovely, and I was at ArtBliss, too! I just got a set of ‘big girl crayons’ that I can’t wait to use and get my own polymer going in new directions. I know that Miss Karen will be making some beautiful color and texture choices in her new work. So excited! Enjoy the day! Erin
Christine Damm ,
Karen was one of several ceramicists (and ArtJewelry Elements bloggers) in my ArtBliss class, as well as in my home class that just wrapped up last Friday — they all made the transition to polymer easily while using surface coloring techniques like my tutorial from your book. I can’t wait to see how her work evolves! Thanks for posting this, Cynthia.
Donna SImpson ,
The picture caught my eye. what beautiful art. Stunning colours. Thanks for posting.
Karen Totten ,
Wow – thank you so much for featuring my work! I’m humbled! I learned SO much from Christine Damm. I highly recommend her class!
Linda Landig ,
Karen is an amazing artist. I look forward to seeing how her expressions in polymer clay develop!