The holidays are mostly over but let’s take one last look before all the ornaments are put away. Slovenia’s Klavdija Kurent starts with snowflake cutters in stepped down sizes (I’m guessing here).
She colors the polymer cutouts and then adds textures and stacks them, adding more color and metallics for emphasis. There’s more of her distinctive style on her blog and her Facebook site.
You can see that Klavdija has some tricks up her sleeve and she’ll be sharing them in her Let’s Twist Again workshop at Eurosynergy in Malta. Contact her by email to register.
Klavdija ,
Thank you very much Cynthia! I am honored and grateful! See you soooooooooon!
BIG hug!
Aniko Kolesnikova ,
These are so lovely! Even if they are snowflakes they still are very warm and cozy ones
Thank you Aniko!