McCrorey on PCDaily

Desiree McCrorey has long been known for sharing her thorough experiments with polymer. Irena Saravanja’s crackled polymer surfaces started Desiree’s wheels turning and she headed back to her science lab/studio.

Desiree offers her results to you and they’re fascinating. She’s tested lots of ways to crackle the clay with a heat gun using various utensils and methods to arrive at very different results. She may inspire you to add more tests of your own.

CORRECTION: The work of France’s Agnes Dettai was what prompted Desiree’s exploration. You’ll find the inspiration on Agnes’ Flickr site.

  • reply Marilyn Davenport ,

    Desiree McCrorey is so clever and giving with her clay techniques. I appreciate her and her techniques.

    • reply heather ,

      I love this effect and the link takes you to a very detailed tutorial and how Desiree experimented and achieved such great and varied results. Can’t wait to play with the heat gun and metal tools!! Thank you for sharing her work!!

      • reply Sherry Bailey ,

        Clever girl! I love the effect of the channeled heat and how the crack sizes change from the “epicenter” — so brilliant!!!

        • reply delphine ,

          Wonderful ! thank you Desiree for sharing and being so inventive with simple tools !

          • reply Nevenka Sabo ,

            I wonder if someone actually bothered to contact Agnes via Flickr ( I believe she doesn’t have a FB account) to ask her how she did it and is she willing to share?
            If you browse through her photos you will see that she often shares her work process.
            I also met her in Malta and she is a very nice girl. I would also like to learn how she made her lovely beads.

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