![Lay on PCDaily](https://i0.wp.com/www.polymerclaydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/lay_seattle_run_large.jpg?resize=260%2C271)
Alaska’s Katie Way (Bull’s Eye Studio) makes clever holders on which race runners can collect their number bibs. Katie embellishes the plaques with sayings stamped in polymer and clips that hold the runner’s reminders of past marathons.
Katie has a passion for both running and polymer and she manages to bring the two together. Now she’s reaching out to biking events, incorporating bike parts into her work.
![Lay on PCDaily](https://i0.wp.com/www.polymerclaydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/bullseye_studio.jpg?resize=277%2C326)
Katie’s a stamp and texture girl and she’s developed some eye-catching techniques for decorative items that she sells after the sports season. Check her on Facebook and Flickr.
Polymer marathon
It feels like we’re off to the races with polymer this summer too and the pace is fast! Here are five events coming up quickly that I haven’t been able to tuck into PCD posts. I sure don’t want you to miss out:
- Fire Mountain’s Creative Clays Jewelry Making Contest deadline is coming up in July. The prizes are fab.
- IPCA is holding their retreat in Columbus, Ohio this August. Of course I’ll be there! Great classes and pre-conference workshops. Here’s the info on Facebook and their website. You can check the list of who’s coming and sign up online.
- Helen Breil is the visiting artist at the IPCA retreat and she’s written a new ebook here.
- Carol Blackburn will be teaching her polymer bowl technique this Sunday online on Craftcast.
- And if you can include Santa Fe on your travel list, consider the wonderful creative retreats and classes that Tory Hughes is hosting. Artifacts and relics in July, Light Art in August.
Great idea, my husband has probably done a dozen of these, what a clever way to display them, thanks!
Here’s Patricia Krauchune’s way of getting involved in the races and raising money!
The Southern CT Polymer Clay Guild is hosting Clay ConneCTion 2014 at Conn College July 24-27. Might still be some spots open. Go to http://www.scpcg.org for details.
Thank you, Melinda. I should have mentioned that!