Wiggins on PCDaily

Suddenly (or so it seems) polymer vessels and furnishings are popping up online.

Angie Wiggins has long loved mixing paper and polymer and beads into embellished delights. See the legs she adds to her little ring pots using an antique ice cream mold for her form.

Kate Tracton covers wooden boxes or creates platters from pure polymer, topping them off with cane slices and tiles.

Anderson on PCDaily
Tracton on PCDaily

And Jon Anderson found a metal strainer that worked well as a form to build this new lighted dome at the top of a lamp (left). You have to visit him on Facebook to see it light up.

Just yesterday, Barb Fajardo jumped on the bowl bandwagon with this blooming bowl.

Fajardo on PCDaily

Artists are seeing more possibilities for mixing polymer into their art and adding it to their home furnishings.


Ever wonder how other artists pull such long square sheets of polymer through their pasta machines? Are yours always dog-eared and mishapen like mine?

Lindly Haunani has the answers that will be revealed in a video on Saturday’s StudioMojo. You can sign up for the premium weekend newsletter here.



  • reply Mary Anne Loveless ,

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, these are all so fabulous! I wanna go play right now!

    • reply Kate Tracton ,

      Thank you very much for including my pot in your article today!

      • reply Gwen Crable ,

        Love these! I’m so inspired.

        • reply Angie Wiggins ,

          Thank you once again, Cynthia! You are a gem!!

          • reply barb fajardo ,

            Thank you so much for the shout out dear Cynthia
            🙂 I feel another bowl binge at this very moment! LOVE all of the fabulous bowls…

            • reply More than one way with polymer | Polymer Clay Daily ,

              […] a welcome departure from the usual. (Remember her last bowl experiment?) We sometimes forget that with polymer there’s always more than one way to get the results […]

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