Lehocky on PCDaily

Ron Lehocky just hit the 30,000 heart mark in his campaign to raise money for Kentucky Kids Center. He’ll continue to make hearts as he begins teaching CPR.

Not that CPR! His first class is called Come Play with Ron, May 22-24 at Creative Journey Studios in Georgia.

Lehocky on PCDaily

Dr. Ron is easing up on his medical hours and he’s beginning to share some of the finer points that working with polymer day in and day out taught him.

He’s perfected Roney Gane, the Easy Peasy Cane and developed clever ways to recycle canes and enliven surfaces. Ron explains more on this short video. He’s donating the 30,000th heart to Creative Journey Studios’ polymer history collection.

Polymer by month

Each month I upload all the PCD photos to my Flickr gallery. April’s features were particularly photogenic. Have a look.

  • reply Karen Brueggemann ,

    Love what Ron is doing and for a great cause! The Roney gane heart here is spectacular. Got me wanting to try and figure it out!
    Karen B

    • reply Sherry ,

      Ron is a hero, no doubt about it.

      But CYNTHIA! Your Pinterest album is spectacular! Wow!

      • reply Francie Owens ,

        Amazing! I met Ron when his goal was to make 3,000 hearts and now he has made 30,000 hearts! Way to go Ron and keep up the good work. You truly have a servants heart!

        • reply Chris Owens ,

          Unbelievable (almost)! Ron’s hearts show the way anyone can follow their passion and make a difference 🙂

          • reply KatersAcres WIP Wednesday in My Polymer Clay Studio: Parker Heaven ,

            […] of the Kentucky Kids Center. There was a lovely tribute to him and his hearts this past week on Polymer Clay Daily. Thanks Cynthia for always keeping us up to date on the good stuff of the polymer clay […]

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