Phamova on PCDaily

Perhaps we should call the first posts of the week Matchy Mondays because it’s on Monday that I’m most drawn to polymer works that coordinate with PCD’s colors.

Consider these beautifully graduated and sharply creased beads from the Czech Republic’s Dana Phamova. She plays with the light and shadow caused by the bent surfaces. Here’s another of her light/shadow experiments.

Her beautiful Skinner-blended colors are accented by a few judiciously placed light colored dots. A close look shows that the texture is created with hand-applied pin pricks. She shows a work-in-process shot here.

Phamova on PCDaily

Dana calls this series Dreaming Cucarachas. Cockroaches? That title breaks the zen mood, doesn’t it? You can catch the vibe again (lots of polymer scratching and distressing) on Facebook and Pinterest.

  • reply Silvana bates ,

    Love the colours, and love the shapes, love the overall effect! 🙂

    • reply Carrie Harvey ,

      Oh – these are beautiful! Thank you for the find, Cynthia.

      • reply Lorrene Baum-Davis ,

        Beautifully done. But, then I am a matchy-matchy kinda gal too. Thanks.

        • reply PiperPixie ,

          This is impressive work!

          • reply Dana Phamova ,

            Hi, thank you for sharing my work.
            I am happy, that I can explain why I chose strange title for this series. Maybe it stop be zenbreaking name for you or anybody else.
            I once read that the products shoudn’t have a name that arouse negative or unpleasent feelings. It harms their attractivity. I know that, but in this case, my real inspiration was cockroaches which we have on accomodation in Spain. They was small, ugly but harmless. And they have stood in my mind for long time, have changed in something different. I’m greatful for this cockroach’s experience and I feel that series deserves the name, so I did it. =)
            (Maybe I just wish cockroaches look like same as I designed)

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