
Melissa Terlizzi’s latest polymer reminds us to seize today. The piece is actually entitled Feeding Time at the Koi Pond.

Convincing translucent splashes of water and fins flip over the edges of the crowded frame. Trompe l’oeil koi? Here’s more Melissa on Facebook.

The fish caught my attention because today I’m feeling like a fish out of water as we hit Wyoming. What do I know about cattle and boots and cowboys?  Oh well, carpe diem!


  • reply TaeMata ,

    Yesterday also saw the work on Flickr and for a long time could not take her eyes off the details. This is incredible!

    • reply Melissa ,

      Thank you for featuring my koi on PCD today! It makes my day to open up my email and see my work staring back at me. Such an honor–thank you!

      • reply Carla R. ,

        A roadtrip…awesome! People seem to be nice wherever one goes, you will have so much fun! I love all the work you do for the clay community and it will be great to see the trip through your eyes.

        • reply Joan Clipp ,

          Love this, especially the splash effect. A dude ranch would be a dream vacation for me, ride ’em cowgirl!

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