This new polymer batik tutorial from Lorraine Vogel (wiredorchid) makes my mouth water and takes me back to Bali without the jet lag.
You may have guessed some of the tools she uses to achieve these very fluid and fiber-like effects. Now Lorraine has gathered her well-researched techniques into a stunning and comprehensive tutorial. (No surprise that she’s a professional graphic artist.)

Lorraine responded to readers (PCD last featured her in June) with 15 pages of well written and beautifully photographed step-by-step examples.
When you’re tired of winter and the holiday frenzy, breathe in the tropics and summer with some imitative batik on polymer. There’s more on Facebook and Flickr.
Lynda Moseley ,
Isn’t it a gorgeous presentation? I was blown away. Not only is the technique fabulous, concise and easy to understand, the photos and arrangement make me want to read it again and again. I can’t believe it is Lorraine’s very first tutorial. Bravo, my friend!
Lorraine Vogel ,
Thank you, Lynda! This is high praise coming from a master of polymer clay!
Lorraine Vogel ,
Thank you, Cynthia for this wonderful feature! I appreciate you and your continued support of polymer clay artists. You are a treasure.