Mantuli on PCDaily

These New Year’s rainbow confetti earrings from St. Petersburg’s Maxim Mantuli (Luxori) have a secret compartment. Maxim drills a shallow hole in the back of the swirled bicone bead where a few drops of perfume can be added. The design is meant to help those who can’t tolerate perfume on their skin. 


It’s an intriguing concept though the longterm effect of alcohol on the polymer might be a concern.

Follow Maxim’s developments with this jewelry line on Facebook, Etsy, his site and Instagram,



  • reply Sherry ,

    Nice swirleys — I am inconsistent in my “mastery” of that technique — but I retire in April and plan to practice!

    • reply Tina ,

      I would use oils, on a small piece of felt or cotton wadding. I think that may also affect the polymers, in the long run but the scent should last longer… =]

      • reply carolina ,

        Very interesting information , pearls are very beautiful also , I work with jewelry perfume for some years , although I do not think it’s the same technique , I make a base in plaster will be subsequently coated with polymer clay , plaster has a huge enclose power of fragrances, my experiments indicate that alcohol-based perfumes are not good or friendly for our beloved polymer clay , I have opted for the essential oils that have other virtues known to all. Although as it is not the same technique you mention pearls , perfume may not impair in alcool basis in this case the polymer paste.
        I leave two link as information unfortunately is in French , my second language . Have a good day 🙂

        • reply Mitz Bartlett ,

          I suppose you could put your wadding (or aromatherapy pads?) into a shallow metal/foil pan? That would keep them from leaching into the clay.

        • reply Dixie Ann Scott ,

          I bought maxims earrings and he does a masterful job on them. I too was concerned about the perfume and the polymer. When a drop missed and landed on the Polymer it immediately took away the natural shine and left a very dull area even though I tried to clean it up with water right away. I decided to further protect them and applied two clear coats of varathane. That seem to help a lot but I don’t think I will be adding any more perfume. 🙂

          • reply Maksim Mantuli ,

            I’m sorry. Well that storage perfume is not the main party jewelry. Please tell me what kind of perfume do you use? Just my other customers did not talk about this issue and jewelry used by my wife, too, there is no such effect. Please help me get better 🙂

          • reply Maksim Mantuli ,

            Thank you for writing about me! You are very kind 🙂

            • reply Judy Collins ,

              I bought the purple perfumed polymer for my daughter as a gift, it’s her favorite color. The rainbow confetti is for myself, I like it because you can wear it with so many color’s. I love your designs
              I will return to buy more of your Jewry .
              Thank you, Judy Collins

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