Why is it that when you can’t actually get your hands on polymer for one reason or another, watching someone else complete a project is especially engrossing?

We’re all on the sidelines shouting, “You go, girl” to the UK’s Bridget Derc and her complex mandala tabletop.
She took photos of every cane, every measurement, every step of the way and uploaded them to Flickr for you to enjoy vicariously.
Wendy Moore ,
Oh Cynthia! Thank you for discovering and sharing this. It is simply amazing. Beautiful.
fiona abel-smith ,
Superb work Bridget, love it, love it, love it. It is also very inspirational.
WOW! But now that table us RUINED for use — who could cover up or risk damaging all that work!? ;^)
You can put a piece of glass on top and use it.
Shuli ,
Gorgeous creation! I love the idea, the colors and shapes combination are perfect!
Michelle ,
Spectacular! Thanks for sharing.
Totally splendiferous!!! Did she keep a record of the time she spent on this masterpiece? (Days, weeks, months?) I agree with Sherry …. this is a table to be admired, not used.
Absolutely incredible. I can’t comprehend the amount of planning that must have gone into this.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
I am gobsmacked.