You may have thought you’d seen enough polymer bowls. Ireland’s Silvana Bates’ soap dishes pulls us out of bowl overload.
For her jewelry designs, Silvana creates batches of canes in her favorite palettes that lean toward faded colors and homey patterns.
By joining the tail ends of canes and shaping random bits into bowls, she accentuates their charm in a way that hints of soft old quilts in cozy cottages. She made these to hold her daughter’s collection of soaps.
Browse through her photos on Facebook and don’t miss the video of her woodsy creations that will be part of November’s Into The Forest exhibit.
Can you salvage bits of your favorite pieces and create a signature bowl?
Laurie Mika ,
Love these bowls….and the patterns, especially the Klimt like bowl on the left!
Silvana Bates ,
Thank you Laurie:)
Silvana Bates ,
Dear Cynthia, thank you so much for featuring my little bowls! Just when I felt not very confident, this lovely surprise comes, and I’m over the moon!
Thank you also to work your way to so many poeples work, and share with everyone:)