A few more circles and Croatia’s Nikolina Otrzan (Orson’s world) could be building her own polymer Olympic logo with her Texture Play series of circle pins!
Let’s hope she’s building a tutorial to show us how she achieves the painterly textures and loose patterns.
Nik is certainly in the Polymer Olympics when it comes to pushing the boundaries. She’s created 26 rich, dense tutorials, each with an AHA moment that comes from ceaseless playing around. Keep a close eye on her on Facebook.
Luann Udell ,
I LOVE THESE! Sophisticated use of color and texture, excellent work, Nikolina!
Kopila Basnet ,
And she is generous as well as talented and creative often being so good to us at Samunnat.
Shuli ,
Nikolina is a great artist! I love her precision. I hope to be Lucy and to participate in her workshop at the Polymerweek2018 in Pilsen, Czech Republic in October.