Nurturing curiosity

Katie Way gets curious about cut-and-replace on

This work-in-progress shot from Alaska’s Katie Way makes my heart sing.

Spot-on colors, straightforward technique. Cut and replace meets updated quilt pattern meets polymer.

It’s an updated of several old ways of working.

That’s what we’ll be talking about on StudioMojo this Saturday. As we become more expert at what we do, we tend to lose our curiosity. We start coloring within the lines of what we know.

The Bonnie Bishoff class I hosted last weekend put a bunch of us back in touch with something new and made us feel full of possibility again. Come on over and learn how to stay curious.

  • reply Bj Raissi ,

    Notify me of new posts by email.
    Thank you for you pursuit of interesting and different polymer clay!

    • reply Bj Raissi ,

      Thank you for you pursuit of interesting and different polymer clay!

      • reply Carol Blackburn ,

        Great to see you featured on PCD, Katie. Enjoy your day of stardom. xxx

        • reply Katie ,

          Yay! Thank you Cynthia for the feature??

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