Texas’ Deb Hart gets a jump on Easter with her polymer mosaic eggs. Deb has an unusual way of filling in around her central elements and defining the spaces with thin border canes and fine repeating patterns.
No time to make them? Deb offers 50% off her own finished eggs or her tutorials until April 13. (Use promo code Easter2020.) Her workbooks are all 50% off through the end of May while we keep our families safe at home.
You’ll also find Deb’s polymer designs with a southwest flavor on Craftcast and Facebook.
Laurie Mika ,
These are so beautiful and jewel like! I would love to find one of those on an Easter egg hunt!
Deb Hart ,
Thank you, Laurie??
would love to see more of your work, and a how to would be excellent!
Deb Hart ,
Thank you, Valarie?? I actually have two different tutorials versions available. One on Craftcast at https://www.craftcast.com/recordings/making-decorative-mosaic-eggs-using-polymer-clay and one on my website at https://www.debhart.net/blank-1/southwestern-eggs