Our lady of the pandemic

Laurie Mika loves crowns so the corona figures prominently in her new art on PolymerClayDaily.com

California’s Laurie Mika has created a whole body of new mixed media work that she calls During the Pandemic.

Her polymer mosaic shrines are heavily textured, encrusted with found jewels, and stamped with prayers and sayings.

Laurie is a lover of crowns so coronas figure prominently in her shrines which have names like “Our Lady of the Pandemic” and inscriptions like the Latin “Momento Mori” (remember, we will all die).

“This pause in our lives has been one of reflection, self-discovery, re-evaluating what’s important, and finding new ways of coping,” says Laurie.

Read more about her newest creations in her newsletter and on her Etsy site. Has the pandemic affected your art?

  • reply Randi Bjørg Bystrøm ,

    I think you mean “Memento mori”? Momento in latin means time, memento means remember, so momento mori means time of death, wich in theese times also is, sadly, very up to date.

    • reply Laurie mika ,

      Hi Randi…. on my original piece it is Memento Mori……but it is an easy word to transpose the letters……I always have to think twice when I use it! But good to know that Momento Mori works too!

    • reply Laurie Mika ,

      Thanks so much Cynthia for the feature today…..really appreciate that and like your paraphrasing ……I think many artists are taking this “time out” to dig deep and reflect on those things that are most important…..and this will lead to a collective body of work that will forever be marked by the pandemic.

      • reply Elaine Richard ,

        I love the new series on corona. Your work is awesome!

        • reply Laurie Mika ,

          Thanks so much Elaine for your kind comments….one never knows where inspiration dwells….it’s still almost inconceivable to me that we are living through this time of a great pandemic…….be well!

        • reply Laura Roberts ,

          Laurie’s Art is singular and has influenced a generation. She has definitely been an influence on me. She’s an innovator and polymer clay has been lucky for her focus! Congrats on this article, Laurie! Laura

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