Joyful color mixing

Looking forward and not backward can be daunting in 2020. Even more so after an accident, a pandemic, and three flights of stairs. But nothing keeps Lindly Haunani down.

After she took over her own physical therapy, Lindly set goals. For her hands, it was knitting and then drawing. Fine motor skills are returning. For her legs, it’s to walk to the food co-op, a mere 12 blocks away. Stuffed grape leaves and real cheese beckon. For the mind, it’s meditation. For the soul, it’s the pursuit of color, texture, and design. Or maybe it’s vice versa. Or maybe they all meld together.

In her own words,  “The first time I was able to go outside and walk around I was almost overwhelmed with awe. The feel of the wind on my skin, the fresh green scents in the air, the billowing white clouds above, and the bark of the tree in front of me – everything was exquisitely present and magical.

“I anticipated that since it has taken this long to get back to polymer it might be an emotional and frustrating experience. Apparently I waited until the perfect moment as just hearing the sound of my pasta machine motor running brought joy. I am working to complete a color mixing project I had started in January.”

As Lindly says, “That was then, this is now.” It’s her new mantra. The teacher is still teaching. You can help here.

  • reply Marilyn Davenport ,

    So happy for you! Mix on!
    Marilyn Davenport

    • reply Mags Bonham ,

      It fills my heart with joy to see that Lindly is back to claying. I am so proud of her determination to overcome this horrible accident and all of the physical and mental ramifications that came with it. Keep going Lindly! We are all behind you.

      • reply Sandra Davis ,

        Yes happy to know she is doing better. my problem is how to select the colors that go well together. Do you have a book that guide how to convene colors.?

      • reply Joey B ,

        • reply Erin Prais-Hintz ,

          Cheers to you, Miss Lindly! May you continue to exude your positivity and bring a wild-eyed wonder to all you see and experience.

          • reply Laurie Mika ,

            So happy to see that Lindly is doing so well and is back to creating ! Such great news…..

            • reply Lindly ,

              I am very grateful to everyone who has helped me as I continue to heal. Knowing so many are cheering me on has propelled me to keep improving each day. Thank you.

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