Australia’s Dani Rapinett (daniartandjewellery) puts memories, pets, and other mementos on the tree. These days it’s easy to snag special effects to layer onto a photo.
Print out your creation and transfer it to polymer. (YouTube is full of videos to assist.) A cut-out, a ribbon, voila! Handmade, heartfelt…what could be better?
When Black Friday beckons, defy the system and redirect your muse to making memorable hangups for your family.
I was worried the StudioMojo would be difficult in this week of distractions but not so. Take a gander at what’s for sale in the online shows, see super trendy polymer high fashion photos. Thumb through lists of classes to propel you into the new year, and always a few new products that promise to solve all your problems. Join us!
Here’s a link to some of those YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photo+transfer+to+polymer+clay