When someone gives you potatoes…

Barbara Nalepa mirrors how we feel the day before Thanksgiving on PolymerClayDaily.com

Barbara Nalepa (Barmisal) pretty much captures how we feel here in the US on the day before Thanksgiving.

How to shove working, shopping, and cooking into one short day?

A few scraps of black and white canes express our potato-mashing, turkey-basting, table-setting exasperation.

Eventually, we’ll take a breath, sit down and remember how thankful we are for this wild and crazy life. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • reply Beverly ,

    Cynthia, love your blog it has inspired me so much. I retired right before covid hit and I have been making jewelry since but only dabbled with polymer, but really enjoyed. I decided to start making all my beads and pendants everything I can with polymer, wish me luck and keep the inspiration coming. Ty

    • reply Cynthia Tinapple ,

      Thanks, Ty. So glad you’re inspired and bravely jumping in! Welcome.

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