Taking polymer out on a limb

Tamara Shea’s “out-on-a-limb” polymer series hits a topical theme that we’ll consider more deeply next week. The season of hearts is upon us and I’ve been collecting polymer versions for your pleasure.

I’m struck by Tamara’s consistent quality and search for inspiration. All her Block Party Press polymer jewelery pieces are original designs from drawings turned into hand-carved stamps. She documents her daily inspirations on her blog and customers respond to her out-on-a-limb heartfelt art. Have a heartfelt weekend.

Textures for fall

Helen Breil’s recent polymer works (and some new stamps) show off more of her expertise with textures. A sneak peek at her radiating lines tutorial has convinced me to try textures this week.

I was also encouraged at a recent retreat by a chance to inspect Laura Tabakman’s stash of homemade texture plates made from Super Elasticlay.

She creates and collects graphic elements that transfer in a deceptively simple process. Of course arranging the elements is the trick and learning to use the plates is another art.

Look at the works of these two artists to get an idea of the possibilities.

Breil’s texture tricks

Helen Breil takes using stamps and textures to a new level with her most recent polymer clay focal beads. She introduces surprises and layers colors to provide drama.

I often hesitate to use stamps because they feel static. Helen has overcome that shortcoming with a bag of tricks that makes me want to try again. Looking at her design idea gallery is like taking a workshop.

I’m composing this post from 30,000 ft. in between time zones. Tomorrow is all about jet lag and preparing for an evening class at Craftcast.com. California beaches provided a heap of pebble research and I’m pumped for the class. Join us.