If you want to watch how fast information travels around the globe, count how many variations on Alice Stroppel’s scrap cane you’ve spotted in the week she introduced it.
Since last Friday’s post we’ve watched examples pop up from the US, UK, Israel and beyond. The photo at the right is from France’s CreaSof who has skillfully integrated the technique into brooch designs.
Here are a few more you might enjoy:
- Diane Keeble (UK) and her canes
- Carmela Aviv (Israel) on an egg
- Jan Montarsi (Ohio) with white
- Dave and Carolyn Good (BC, Canada) for scarf pins
I hope your weekend is filled with good news.
On a tangent
From their base on the west coast of Mexico, Dan Cormier and Tracy Holmes are about to go off on a new tangent and unveil their next big idea. Join their mailing list (it’s free) to see what all the fuss is about. All I know is that they’ve been working hard and they’re giddy with nervous excitement.
Créa'Sofimo ,
it was a real pleasure for me to test this tuto, it’s a good way to recycle the ends of reduction of canes, with a translucent clay it’s be different.
Fun to see how many different variations can be made.
Alice Stroppel ,
Thank you again Cynthia and everyone who has given the cane a try. This has been an incredible week for me. I’ve had the best time flying around the internet and around the world to visit the different versions of the Stroppel cane. I’m delighted to be able to share this simple idea with artists that can create such wonderful pieces. It makes my heart sing.
Alice, congratulations- you should be very proud- I can only imagine the excitement you mmust feel over this- I’m very happy for you- enjoy-:)
Julie Picarello ,
Wow! I love this gorgeously eye-catching interpretation of a Stroppel cane…and love even more that as with Judith, Alice’s creativity (and generous spirit!) will be forever memorialized in the polymer community. Brava!
ronna ,
Fun how we all sort of work in tandem with parallel ideas. I like to take my scrap clay and layer it between highly-contrasting solid colors and also layers of translucent, and then roll it up a la jelly roll or spiral cane. You’ll love what you see when you slice through it.
Lynda Moseley ,
What stunning results! Alice, you must be so proud!
For me, seeing photos of what my customers create with my tutorials is the best part of the process. I love to see how they adapt the instructions to their own talents. I’m constantly amazed at the individuality in the results. I am really anxious to try this myself now. Great job, everyone!
Randee M Ketzel ,
This has been a fanatastic and fascinating phenomenon to watch–how an idea has flown around the globe, evolving every step of the way; Every artist has added something new, that in turn inspires every other artist–Jan’s variation with white has been expecially intriguing–can’t wait to go try it; and Creasof’s sophisticated take on the technique is relly stunning.
To the studio, Claywomen!(And Men!!)
jan Montarsi ,
Thanks again Alice For Sharing the Tutoriol !!
This has been the so much fun, I hope every body gives is a try.
Beautiful work DI, Carmela, Claymates, & CreaSof !!!
Pippa ,
What beautiful examples of how to use the Stroppel Cane – everyone one is having so much fun with it, including myself!!
Michele Norine ,
Marvelous “takes” on Alice’s wonderful technique she shared – was it just a week ago??? LOL!! Brilliant work, very creative – from all the artists! A huge “Thank you” to Alice for her generous sharing. I love seeing all the results.
Tammie Crawforth ,
It’s been so much fun to see what everyone is doing with The Amazing Stroppel Cane! The results have been beautiful. Thank you again for sharing Alice and to you Cynthia for spreading the word!
Valerie ,
Alice is such a great gal, I love her work and this is an awesome way to show off our “scraps”. I love seeing how others interpret it as well.
Jursvi ,
I just can’t stop admiring the polymer clay. The material is so genious itself that artists can create and create and find new techniques.
Great pieces!
cecile g ,
magnifiques utilisations et interprétations de cette cane !
Not meaning to be rude, and kudos to Alice for sharing the idea with the world which certainly gives her naming rights… But I do have to say that one of the very first pieces I did as a beginner (early 1980’s) was exactly this — layering scrap canes between black and slicing to create striped “canes”. Lots of things in the polymer clay world are “simultaneous discovery”, so some of the examples popping up now could easily be that. I don’t mean that to diminish Alice’s contribution, only to point out that in some cases, the idea might have been “original” before the tutorial was published.
yea for the Stoppel cane!! thanks both Alice and Cynthia for sharing!
I, too, was taken by the Stroppel cane and used it to make two shawl pins for a local Yarn Market this weekend. Like Ronna, I also tried rolling it into a spiral and got such interesting results. Fun, fun, fun. Love seeing how some others are interpreting this cane. How generous of Alice to share her methods.
I took nothing but black clay and old canes to Sandy Camp this week. (The San Diego PC Guild’s annual retreat) and had a ball making Stroppel canes! I did three or four variations that ended up on Bottles of Hope and showed several other people how to do it. Thanks, Alice!!
Marian Hertzog ,
I have really enjoyed seeing all of the variations here and on other blogs I follow. Thanks Alice and Cynthia for sharing this! Fun!
Sandra Davis ,
Cynthia,The stroppedl,s cane are 10+ wows!.
Thank you again Cynthia