Since we’ve linked to winners Julie Picarello and Lynne Ann Schwarzenberg recently, let’s take a look at one of the third place Bead and Button “Bead Dream” winners, Janice Abarbanel from Massachusetts.

A self-taught polymer clay artist with a significant background in seed beed crochet work and metalsmithing, Janice developed her mosaic technique by experimenting. Her mixed media art pendant class merges all three interests.
Janice’s site is chock full of everything from seed beads to polymer to findings. You’ll want to browse a while.
Marla Frankenberg ,
These are really lovely. Gorgeous colors, & I like the contrast of the irregular strips with the round shape of the beads.
Wonderful beads!
And I’m delighted with finding out that a self -taught artist, that only found polymer clay in 2003, has won such an honor. It affirms in me that it’s not about taking a million classes, or having worked in the medium for 10 years or more…. but about the artistic vision, and seeing where polymer clay can go artistically.
Yay, Janice!
These are so beautiful! I would love to know how polymer clay artists are making these round, hollow, double-sided beads. Is it with a mold and very careful smoothing of the seam between the two halves? It seems like the beads would be so delicate to handle prior to baking. I’ve searched the internet and can’t find any reference to them on tutorials. Anyone have any clues?
These are absolutely fabulous beads. Way to go Janice – a well deserved acknowledgement of the truly ground breaking work you have done on colors and patterns.
Abarbanel’s polymer dreams and nightmares at Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] The sound you may hear is Janice crossing “enter competition” off her list. Sometimes just entering makes you a winner. Here’s an earlier link. […]
Sue R ,
What I find today in the industry of artisian made items, amazes me.
I love everyones different techniques,color usages,shapes,I guess all of it.
I appreciate the coverage made available for all of us to see. Is so inspiring.
Beautiful work.
Janice, I just discovered your “Marvelous Monday” blog site. The artist and pieces you are highlighting are truly Marvelous….as are you. Brava.