Philadelphia’s “Perishables”

Don’t get too comfortable this Monday. Take a look at the edgy polymer clay work of Philadelphia’s “Perishables.” The Etsy artist calls his works, “Unusual, ostentanious creatures destined to enhance the visual identity of all those who wear it.” “Don’t wear it if you’re trying to be ignored,” he says.

The artist includes nuts, stones, shells, seeds and other found items among organic-looking polymer forms that writhe and undulate. The ear plugs make me wince and the models look tribal and angry. Still, I can’t look away from these eccentric pieces.

Good things for shaking up your sensibilities this week. Ronna Weltman sent the link.

Understanding Etsy

If the Etsy, DIY, craft mafia phenomena seem baffling, be sure to read Rob Walker’s piece in Sunday’s NYTimes. He paints a clear picture of the movement (70,000 Etsy sellers, average age 34, $4.3 million in sales in November) and hints at what it means and where it’s headed. Thanks to Rachel Carren for sending the article along.

  • reply ron lehocky ,

    Yuck! Shocking and totally unattractive.

    • reply Melanie West ,

      Pretty wild stuff… but not any wilder than some of the bits of jewelry that can be seen in some of Lark Books’ 500 series. For me, personally, form follows function – ot the other way around.

      The NYT article is full of some really excellent info and thought provoking ideas. I haven’t finished it yet, but will over breakfast. I was (sort of) surprised that 90 percent of Etsy’s sellers were women – but then, a large majority of entrepreneurs here in the US are women. And so far as the “green-ness” of DYI – eh. Not convinced.

      Many thanks, Cynthia, for yet another terrific post!

      • reply sari0009 ,

        Thank you for the Rob Walker article.

        • reply Dee ,

          Certainly not to everyone’s liking, but beautifully crafted and very interesting.

          • reply Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,

            Yes, indeed shocking, but I love it (but then again, no doubt much of my work could perhaps be characterized as bewildering rather than attractive … all in the eye of the beholder).

            I’m always delighted when someone takes polymer beyond the edges and tells me something I didn’t already know, artistically. That’s what this did for me. It looks like the craftsmanship is excellent. It harkens back to something in our far, far past yet has the energy and spontaneity of today and tomorrow. Go, girl. I want to see more …

            • reply Judy Belcher ,

              Great post Cynthia – the work provokes thought and comment – I love that! The article does the same – love that even more!

              • reply Pam ,

                Thank you for posting this article……
                also…the jewelry is amazing. It gives me permission to make the kind of jewelry I love and not what I think all people will buy.

                • reply Lunes ,

                  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Wonderful use of the imagination.Fancy getting a crab claw stuck in your ear though!

                  • reply Sherry Bailey ,

                    Well, while I can accept the artistic contribution of the stuff, in the end it’s not to my taste. I don’t necessarily require “pretty” but I’m afriad that this work doesn’t have ANY qualities I like in jewelry or even wearable art. But then again, if we all liked exactly the same things, it would get pretty boring… And I’d hardly call myself an “edgy” sort of person!!

                    • reply Julie Picarello ,

                      I’m trying really hard, but finding it difficult to appreciate the organic look and feel (which normally I would zero in on and really dig) because I am stopped cold at the ear plugs. Something about big holes in earlobes gives me the heebie jeebies.

                      On a positive note, I really admire those who push and stretch their art, regardless of the medium. And the other plus? That tiny little nose ring I’ve been thinking about seems pretty tame right now. 😉

                      • reply Dot Hage ,

                        I love it when somebody breaks out of the herd, especially with good quality work! Looks like a page out of a high fasion magazine — not something the average person might ever wear.

                        Shakes people up, apparently, but I’m glad we’re not all just cookiecutter copies of each other — where’s the fun in that? It’s nice to see new organic shapes that aren’t pods. As somebody said, to be creative find the thing that nobody else is doing and do that. This artist certainly did!

                        (On a side note, I thought the jewelry looked tribal, but the models looked like ordinary Americans. Angry? One looks startled, one is smiling, the rest simply look serious to me.)

                        • reply Capitola Girl ,

                          Whoa! Those pieces are amazing!

                          • reply Hermeone ,


                            I am the creatress of these amusing embelishments. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. Your insite will certainly breed many more creations deep from within. Stay posted, as many more designs are on their way, both practical and impractical.

                            Love and Peace,

                            • reply Monika ,

                              its alive ! very original and brave! true art

                              • reply Perfect Radtkin ,

                                Actually perishables is a guy, but don’t worry he gets that a lot in RL.

                                • reply Perishable polymer at Polymer Clay Daily ,

                                  […] we last covered Perishables, he called Philadelphia home. Now the Etsy site lists him as Chicago-based and his line has a […]

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