Tribal Trends – Kuskin and Dewey

I’m digesting the ideas and information from the Synergy conference and may be rolling out new materials for weeks.

These new polymer clay earrings by Judy Kuskin were jaw-dropping (to use Ponsawan’s terms). By the time I got back to the gallery to buy some, she had sold out.

Don’t they remind you of the primitive ones by Philadelphia Perishables we looked at a few months back? There must be a tribal trend in the air.

Seeing Katherine Dewey’s work up close was stunning too. The detail and the power of this “Family Tree” piece was amazing.

The slides from my speech are available here. You may be able to glean some Synergy excitement and ideas just from following along.

  • reply judy kuskin ,

    wow…this is cool. i hadn’t seen the pcd post about philadelphia perishables….it must have been during my black hole months….so many possibilities. i’ve been calling my earring series ‘ode to youth’.

    i’m also anxious to read the article about etsy. during synergy, youngster grant was explaining the phenomenon to oldsters sarah shriver and myself who didn’t really ‘get’ it.

    thanks so much cynthia for keeping us tuned in and for your wonderful keynote address at synergy. it was you who turned us on to this weird new phenomenon called ‘blogging’ . until you showed us, i didn’t really ‘get’ this blogging thing. but then, that was so very long ago 😉

    • reply Kathleen Anderson ,

      African American jewelry artists have been making earrings like this for years. I’ve created some myself. It’s interesting to see that white women are catching on.

      • reply Kathleen Anderson ,

        Oh, by-the-way, thanks to all the bloggers who keep those of us at home connected to the conference, so much to see, so much to tell! Although coming from my voice I think others would agree, we’re looking forward to the weeks ahead hoping to see more sights and sounds of Synergy!

        • reply judy kuskin ,

          i was unaware that african american jewelers have been making these kinds of things for years and am glad you brought it to our attention. i’m afraid that’s an often repeated occurrence. can you point us to any online images? how about showing us your work??

          • reply Hollie Mion ,

            Darn! I missed seeing them. They look great, Judy.

            • reply jana ,

              When the doors to the Gallery at Synergy opened for the first time, I knew right where I was headed…made a beeline to Judy’s earrings and picked out two pairs that I’d had my eye on during the “preview”. LOVE them!

              Through my sons, I’ve met many from the ‘younger’ set who have had me make these type of earrings for their “gauged”-hole ears. Since, as a oldster, I have traditionally pierced ears, I was excited to see Judy’s earrings that allow me to wear this style that I love so much.

              • reply paulo guimaraes ,

                thank you for sharing those slides from your brilliant presentation.Nothing like to know a subject from the beginings. If we know it we can make it simple and clear.
                Believe me, you made my day.
                As PC hobbyst once in awhile I’ve been following your personal photo albums… from where I’ve noticed you are a very talented artist….mixingPC with wood…a long time ago. I think one of the interesting qualities an artist can show is working as some sort of anthem. If so her/his artwork reflects some sort of anticipation…I mean…carrying on qualities which can result in possible trendsettings.
                Now after seeing your slides, I’m sure you have that great
                quality besides your talent as a PClayer. As a lecturer your anthem goes beyond PC… in a contemporary way touches…philosophy,
                ethics, esthetics…and so on…the rippled out movement you mentioned.
                I’d like to thank you also for your awesome blog…anytime I stop by on here I’m sure I’m going to find some great information to fuel my curiosity as a PC hobbyst.
                Love seeing&reading what has caught you as an artist.

                • reply frances ,

                  does anyone have a source for purchasing the hardware for the double-sided earrings? i have not had any luck searching google for them, as i don’t know what their proper name is.


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