Thanks for your concern and for the day off. The computer’s backed up and part of me welcomes this “forced upgrade”. I tried to post from my I-touch but typing was slow and it kept erasing my words. (Thanks to Sue Gentry for the loaner computer.)
I’ll have lots to share next week. Have a wonderful weekend.
Bettina ,
oh no! that’s horror – hop you can fix that
Bettina (who also owns a macbook)
Melanie West ,
I’m sending my utmost heart felt regrets for your loss, Cynthia. Perhaps there is a silver lining in this, however… perhaps it’s a good excuse to buy a new laptop!!!
Please know that you will not loose me as a devoted visitor… no matter how long you are “off line” – your just too good! But I know it must be really frustrating.
Breath and please take the “time off” to play and rest.
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Aye-yay-yay! The pain…my sympathies.
Thoryke ,
Oh, that is a sad, bad thing. And everyone who agrees should make themselves back up their own computers _today_!
Hope restoration is possible, Cynthia!
Oh poor Cynthia I know how frustrating computer issues can be.
Sarajane Helm ,
I hate it when that happens!
I hope things can be gotten out of that one and into a new one….and till then I’ll miss you and the PCD!
After experiencing a complete loss of my hard drive earlier this year and losing three months worth of unbacked up photos and paper work, my heart goes out to you!
Laurie ,
Hope you’ll be back up and running again soon. More time to play with clay now!
Aloha, Laurie
oh boy….that must be so frustrating for you! Hope you are up and running soon but like Laurie said- maybe this is a sign to do more clay!

Glad I could be of assistance… can’t wait to hear what you upgrade too. I’m going to back mine up first thing in the morning! (That’s what I always say!…hehehe)