Barcelona’s Elvira Lopez Del Prado mixes her media and works with polymer clay in unconstrained ways. Her use of color is refined and her designs are exhuberant. She dabbles with many polymer clay techniques and comes up with some brilliant pieces like the stunning red beads below (transfers? stamps? canes?).

She’s equally adventurous with felt, wire, fabric, paper and resin and her fearless approach is just what I need to start my week in the studio. She shows her work on several sites and you’ll want to visit them all here, here and here.
Marivi ,
Elvira Lopez del Prado is a wonderful artist, and member of our Spanish polymer clay guild A.P.E.
She also has a flickr site, you can find Elvira here: http://flickr.com/photos/elviralopezdelprado/
Regards from Spain
Karina ,
Great Artist and Awesome Creations ^_^