Dayle Doroshow’s polymer clay and fabric brooches are part of her larger body of works inspired by her visits to the gardens at Versailles Palace. The bottom layer of petals (see the back of a brooch here) and the center of the flowers are polymer.

Her bracelets on a fabric band (part of the same theme) were a hit with all who saw them and I scored one for helping her spiff up her web site.
Amy Crawley ,
I love them! I also love the way Dayle takes an idea and brings it to fruition with simple yet lovely results. Thanks for sharing, Cynthia.
sari0009 ,
Oh those are cute…and I’m still in love with her ancient figures, shown in her “Figures and Shrines” gallery.
Emanda ,
Hi Cynthia,
I’m a big fan of yours (a lurker), but I don’t know if you would like to join in these festivities. It may not be quite your style. Anyway, I thought of you and wanted you to know I tagged you. If you want to join the game, the rules are below.
I have been “tagged” by another blogger—Aurora at http://foxyartstudio.blogspot.com/— for the Six Random Things Game.
Here are the rules:
Link to the person or persons who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Emanda – I’ve held your comment since November. My intentions were good and I meant to get to it but you’re right, it’s not my style and makes me a bit nervous. I’m going to keep your kind request in my stack and do it when I’m feeling particularly brave. Thanks for thinking of me.
noodle and lou studio ,
these are SUPER cute. Just love them!
Dayle ,
Thanks for your lovely comments! These are just the beginning pieces and I hope/plan to write about my journey making this new work (inspired by my experiences in France) over the coming months on the Journal page on my website. I appreciate your encouragement! Dayle