Tarapat van Gulik, from Thailand, and her husband Hans have just launched their website, ThaiflowerArt.com and I thought a burst of spring color could be rejuvenating – like the seed catalogs that arrive at this time of year.
The Guliks’ site showcases Tarapat’s realistic works which are produced in the Netherlands where the couple now live.
Most flower artists use Luna clay from Japan, an air-drying version similar to Lumina clay. The Guliks’ sell their own clay and their site contains pages and pages of techniques, tools and tutorials that apply to polymer clay as well.
While I have not often featured clay flowers, there’s a growing audience for this craft and you can see more at several additional sites like Suphattra and LilyCharter. Earlier I touched on Ravivan Petchprepa’s work as well. Have a warm weekend.
Libby Mills ,
Thanks for all the lovely flower links. They’re the perfect antidote to the bitter winter cold.
Your orchids are beautiful! They looks real, that’s why i’m interested on learning the craft. Do you have tutortial DVD on roses? I noticed that they are mostly orchids. I’m more curious about roses because orchids are some kind of complicated for me.Thank you and will wait for your reply. Looking forward on learning the art.
hope you email me back. I’m dying to learn the craft! Thanks again guys!
Hans & Tarapat van Gulik ,
Hello everybody,
I just found that the links to our website are not working anymore, so here is a working link: http://www.thaiflowerart.com/english/thaiflowerart/How_to_make_clay_flowers,_online_tutorial,_free_eBooks.html
Hope in this way you can enjoy our website again, many new products and now our tutorials also available on DVD.