Winters and Cormier/Holmes update

Skinner blend experts Dan Cormier and Tracy Holmes have expanded their website and added several new tools specifically designed to achieve precise blends. Among the site updates, Dan and Tracy present their Cutting Edge polymer clay tools and the new great white ShARK in a 9-minute video.

The free bonus is seeing some of Dan’s recent work and learning about a number of Skinner blend variations. I marvel at the techniques they’ve come up with and the tools they’ve perfected. You’ll want to see their Cutting Edge minute as well.

Elise Winters has an updated site complete with a luscious shopping page! Elise has pursued the maintenance of her digital presence with a laser focus that she brings to all her projects. (You can spot the Skinner effect in her pieces, can’t you?)

Don’t miss Elise’s explanation of her Polymer Collection Project, her personal quest to elevate the image of polymer in the art community and to bring polymer art into major museums. That exciting project is taking shape and may soon reach its goals! Stay tuned.

  • reply Dan Cormier ,

    Hey Cynthia,

    Thanks so much for letting everyone know about our updates. Much appreciated!

    Also thanks for featuring Elise’s Polymer Collection Project. Elise and her team have been working with such tireless dedication to this, and she really has the “big picture” in mind. Her efforts are already resulting in greater recognition for our medium at the fine craft level. For anyone who’s sold their work at a craft show, and had a customer say, “Hmmm, polymer clay, you mean Fimo? My kids play with that stuff,” it will be nice to be able to tell them that one of the finest craft museums in the US has a permanent collection of polymer clay work, and is dedicated to the study of this art medium. As a community, we all stand to benefit from this. Thank you, Elise!


    • reply Jeannie ,

      I think Dan said it all, I have nothing to add except my computer stinks, I can’t get into the video.

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