Montana’s Margaret Regan is one of the pioneers of polymer. If you’ve ever made a bangle bracelet on elastic, you can thank her for the idea.
These polymer covered eggs look so like my vacation terrain that I just had to add them. Margaret’s been making them for years and the raven cane is one of her signatures.
Her web site hasn’t changed much and she doesn’t promote herself much so you may have missed these treasures. Her work continues to be impeccably precise.
Cara ,
They look amazing! I am inspired to try making some eggs myself (just in time for Easter) but I shalln’t be attempting anything as complicated as a raven cane given the tight timescale. I hadn’t seen her work before so thanks for showing us.
maureen carlson ,
I took a class from Margaret at The Muse in Philadelphia. Loved her whole artistic way of presenting information. She exudes art as a way of being.
I went to her website and read her Artist’s Statement. I felt energized after reading what she had to say about her work.
Deb Tuchsen ,
I always enjoy seeing pieces with the more complicated canes and canework. It always inspires and pushes me to try new ideas! Her work is so very lovely.
Anita Brandon ,
What lovely and exacting work. I find the raven pieces haunting.
Trina Williams ,
Love those Ravens. I think Margaret also pioneered the scrap clay reducing of odd shapes. I took her class in ’98 and had trouble with a simple heart. It is one of those techniques that takes a bit ( a good bit) of practice.
judy summer ,
she has been my hero since the first ravensdale..her work is outstanding in every way.