Jana Roberts Benzon says that the stunning new works on her site, “…are the fruits of those priceless de-stressing days.”
“The first three show the fun I’ve had playing with form; this type of work is zen-like and apropos to my state of mind. The last three images show my woven style of work, this time with undulating dimension,” she explains.

In Jana’s Dimensional Woven Brooch, she builds on the bargello style first popularized by Laura Liska and adds dimension within flowing shapes. Jana’s works are sold at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Thanks to Randee Ketzel for the link!
Emily Miller ,
I was just checking Jana’s flickr site yesterday. I love these designs and her color variations.
Jeannie ,
What an impressive body of work. I’m swooning again.
Cynthia Clayworth ,
This work is mezmerizing, goreous as well as stunning! I cannot say enough.
Anita Brandon ,
As always Jana’s work is stunning, innovative, inspirational, and just plain AWESOME!
Melanie ,
One word…..”WOW”…. 🙂
I’m a polymer clay newbie and now getting inspiration by artists like Jana.
Just unbelievably gorgeous!
Libby Mills ,
Jana’s new work is great as usual. I love to see how her design ideas evolve over time. It’s impressive.
heartsabustin ,
WOW! I’ve seen bargello in quilts, but not in PC before. Neat!
Sabine Spiesser ,
I love those organic shapes and the orange-red inside is fabulous. The curled ends are a great touch.
Heather Campbell ,
Jana!!!! Stop it!! Whenever I see your work it makes my heart skip a beat!!! You have a never ending well of imagination and boundless creativity. I love you and your work, you make me reach higher and stretch farther. Thank you my beautiful friend. Congratulations on another winner!!!
Jana totally ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love her so much she is such an inspiration to anyone who is new to polymer clay she has made such an inpact in my life with her art !!
You are awsome !!! Love Deb in Bakersfield California