This Meat-Lace from OnchMovement is billed as 100% animal friendly! Polymer has been called many things, but humane is a first. Lady Gaga and her famous meat dress served as direct inspiration for this creation by LA’s Onch who specializes in kitschy, outrageous polymer accessories including a pretzel rosary.
Guaranteed never to spoil, adds flavor to your wardrobe. What more could you ask for?
While I’m not 100% sure what the necklace is made of, the site specializes in polymer jewelry and a closeup reveals what looks like pretty great use of translucent. I’m trying to keep you up to date…that’s all I’m sayin’. What do you think?
Sandra ,
Wow! It sure look real, but I’m not sure I’m at Lady Gaga’s level of fashion whimsy and wearing the extraordianry.
Cody Goodin ,
I am truly amazed at the level of creativity and reality that polymer artists achieve when creating look a likes. Simply amazing to me.
Kelly @ Wave of Life Surf Studio ,
I can’t believe how realistic this is- amazing! Am so excited to find this website!
Anita Brandon ,
All can say is simply amazing to me, too! Now THAT would make a statement….though I’m not totally sure what kind. The craftsmanship is impeccable.
Janie ,
That looks incredibly real. Just goes to show that you never know what will be fashionable!
Amazing and kind of disgusting all at once! They certainly have the “look” mastered, but it’s definitely not a look I’d wear! (I wonder if they make fake food for those Asian style “sample plates” for restaurants — if not, they certainly could!)
Karly West ,
Awesome work!!! I’d be afraid to wear that around my dogs, though!
Becky Acosta ,
Wow, that looks so real! I wouldn’t want to wear it (it kinda grosses me out), but I can see fans of Mark Ryden wearing it.
If it’s not real, just what is it and how was it made?!? Made me hungry. What about a grilled steak instead of a raw one? Interesting that it is shown worn by a male.
Leslie Sirag ,
I’m wondering whether wearing this would suggest to people that you’re a vegetarian or a meat-eater?
cristalline / sophie ,
Seeing this necklace, I immediately think to jana Sterbak and her dress in raw meat at an exhibition in southern France, Nimes. Here we can see the process: http://elles.centrepompidou.fr/blog/?p=175. Some years before the dress of Lady gaga but also shifted ;-).
cristalline / sophie ,
Seeing this necklace, I immediately think to jana sterback and her dress with raw meat at an exhibition in southern France, Nimes. Here we can see the process of the work: http://elles.centrepompidou.fr/blog/?p=175. Some years before the dress of Lady gaga but also shifted
Absolutely Vile! As a vegetarian I find it barbaric. What about doing shrunken heads! Or Spleens !! What a waste of talent.
LaJulieChose ,
Just amazing and so real….I’m not sure to wear it one time but…good job!
laurie prophater ,
YUMMY!!! Bring out the barbie!!!
I agree with Peg and Anne…bleh, what a waste (but I admire the talent).
Its very realistic looking ….maybe you could use it for props in movies etc….but i think its very very offensive……………
The “meat dress” is a health hazard to her and the audience, close to her. Anyone who has a suppressed immune system, because of AIDS, chemo, or a number of disease would be at risk for serious infections, or death. I like her, but this was not considerate of her fans. As she moves, there is a “spray” of juices from the raw meat. Lady Gaga, this was not adequately researched. I was a lab technician who worked in Bacteriology, so I know what can be found in raw meat!
I am constantly in awe at what artists can see in a block of clay. This isn’t my particular cup of tea but I think my little poodle would just love it. LOL
Barbara ,
The ability and attention to detail is admirable but I cannot help regretting what polymer clay artists are reproducing to present as jewelry. Sorry.