The retro bling from PurpleCactus isn’t in traditional holiday colors but their polymer baubles suggest a cheery approach to the season. North Carolina’s Amber Edison and Laurence Abensour have teamed up to produce a line of small pendants and rings that really hit the spot.

Is the texture on this bicone bead a new trick or an optical illusion? Whatever…I find myself mesmerized.
Here’s an earlier PCD post on the duo and links to their Etsy and Flickr sites.
Lupe Meter ,
I love the colors that purplecactus uses. PurpleCactus also does some beautiful banners as well…bought one. Love the retro blings! 8D
Carolyn Good ,
I love how she uses color. I sure am curious how she got those ridges on her lentil swirl — it sure is unique!
I am guessing that the ridges might be carved, possibly halfway through the swirl?? You know, swirl a bit to get the design going, then carve soem ridges, then swirl gently some more so the ridges partly “melt”. That is only a guess, though.
Another thought is that she used a ripple blade to cut segments to lay onto a lentil, then swirled them just a bit.
Both guesses are based on that ripple effect in the lower right quadrant. I also think she’s getting a little mokume gane effect and a bit of mica shift in there to enhance the sensation of dimension.
Judith Chance ,
I have no idea how this is done, being a real beginner in polymer clay.
How inspiring all of this is! Thank you for sharing it with us.