Ponsawan Silapiruti’s latest post describes her experience with Ring-A-Day 2010.
She says, “What did I get from the RAD project? Well, let’s see. I was asked by Lark Books for permission to publish pictures of some of my rings. Some will be exhibited alongside others made by members of the group in Seattle and sponsored by SNAG. I have never had my works exhibited before. I made a bunch of friends. I woke up every day for a year to see incredible and crazy ideas of how to make ring.” Pretty impressive results!
There are more than 16,000 ring pictures on the group’s Flickr site! Here are all the rings from polymer artists.
Ring a day has changed to ring a week (RAW) for 2011. Another project, True Addicts of Daily Art (TADA), asks members to commit to making progress on art jewelry creations every day. The goal is for each artist to have at least one show ready collection or series by the end of the year.
Trick #38 in the Creative Sparks book encourages you to impose limits on yourself as a way to push your art further. Join a group, enter a contest, set a deadline. Since I’m energized by groups and deadlines, I’ve decided to take the plunge for 2011. I joined TADA. These projects may help if you’re in a goal-setting mood and need a push.
I’m in! I needed something to motivate me to work on my art on a daily basis. This can be difficult at times when art needs to take a back seat to a fulltime job. TADA will be my muse.
Elaine ,
I’m up for giving it a shot! I was looking through the 365 projects on Flickr for one to join in on
Maureen Carlson ,
Ponsawan Sila ,
Thank you Cynthia. I would like to personally invite all my Polymer Clay friends to join the group. It had been an incredible experience for me, help me focus and stay on task. No Flickr Police will go after you if you miss a few days. I was 30 rings behind most of the time, only able to catch up early this month. You just have to try it.
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
If you want to learn ringmaking directly from Ponsawan, she’ll be teaching at the IPCA Pre-Retreat Workshops:
Thanks for making it so easy to see all the polymer clay rings . . .
so many great ideas!
Mary Lu ,
Thank you for mentioning the new flickr group TADA365! We are excited to see clay artists joining the group. It should be an inspiring year as we motivate each other to make progress each day on our collections.
Very inspiring! I looked at joining TADA… but I’m more a figure sculpt person than a jewelry maker. Someone want to join me in a Dragon-a-Day? Fairy-a-Day? =grin=
Jill Palumbo ,
Yeah for Ponsawan! How exciting to have your work exhibited! What an inspiration you are!
Thanks, Cynthia, for sharing this article, and giving the link to all the polymer rings. What fun to see all these ingenious rings without having to struggle to search for them. Thanks too for the TADA challenge idea. I want to try this.