Lindly Haunani has watched her Niche Award-winning pinched petal design evolve and change as the idea spread around the globe. The latest incarnation is this brooch version from Jeanette Kandray. Here Lindly’s pinched petals meet Eva Ehmeier’s artichokes.

Lindly chronicles some of the earlier versions on her blog. The process for making her original necklace is outlined as a color study in the Color Inspirations book.
Anita Brandon ,
I find it so enjoyable to see a technique as it evolves in the hands of the single artist who developed it, but it’s also interesting to see the technique transformed as it explored by other artists.
jan Montarsi ,
Jeanette what lovely fun !!!! just like you !!
So nice to see Jeanette’s talents recognized on PCD. She’s good at taking an idea and running with it!
Woo hoo to Jeanette. Nice to see you on PCD.
Wonderful work Jeanette! You are the tops at taking an idea and making it your own!
Jeanette! Not only are your brooches lovely your website is just beautiful! You go girl!
sandra ,
Cynthia. Happy Holidays and the next year be full of new project and continue helping teaching to countries that need help.
Deborah Tice ,
How can you get these books to keep or video to actually show how to create such beautiful work?