France’s Celine Charuau (GrisBleu) starts our week with her another of her sinuous, alien polymer and silver constructions. This one is called Fleur plume rouillée which translates to Rusted feather flower.
The perspective shown here zooms in to study the polymer. You may be surprised to see the actual size of the pendant and how it is intended to be worn.
Celine’s ethereal pieces are often based on exotic species as in this Brachystelma angustum based on the Flickr picture here. I can’t decide if Celine’s a botanist or an engineer. She brings a wonderful blend of sensibilities to her jewelry. There are few clues on her site. What would you guess?
You can see her body of work best on her Flickr, DaWanda and Facebook sites.
Rebecca Geoffrey ,
Another excellent piece! Celine’s work never ceases to amaze and inspire me!
Melanie West ,
I’ve admired Celine’s work for some time now… The organic forms and colors really sing to me. There is a simplicity in her lines and patterns that bring a rich sophistication to her work. Brava, Celine!
Anita Brandon ,
Such exotic and beautiful work!
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
Celine’s work is beautiful and elegantly crafted. She has a clear artistic voice that makes her work unique. It’s always a joy to see what’s new with her work.
Love the necklace and yes, it’s interesting to see how it’s worn! Also love the shirt it’s modeled on; wonder if it’s available in the States.
Marlene Brady ,
It is always interesting to see where an artist’s inspiration comes from. Celine’s work is amazing. I learn something from each piece. Her use of color, design and unusual construction is so unique. Love her work!
jana ,
I always know when artwork is hitting me on a level deeper than just ‘eye’ because I find myself instinctually and immediately bringing my face close up to the screen for a better view (oh, and that audible gasp is a dead giveaway as well :). This piece, this morning, garnered that reaction. Love, love, love….congrats, Gris..you have a special talent..
Seamstress, maybe? I love the silver stitches. Occupation definitely? Artist.
Tavostia ,
Celin’s work is as amazing as ever!
Lupe Meter ,
Absolutely love Celine’s work…it always amazes me!! Awesome necklace!!
Selma ,
Wonderful work and great artist! I love it!
Kaity ,
That’s amazing, amazing work and wearability.
marjana ,
beautiful work!