Jacqueline Cherie has retrieved her studio from storage and unpacked all the molds she researched and collected.
You’ve probably run across images in books like these that feature her polymer pieces which were meticulously rendered and based on antiquities, pre-Columbian images and Asian icons.

This polymer encrusted shoe, created for a contest several years ago, still stuns. Here’s a box and a small container from her collection.
Welcome Jacqueline back after her three-year breather and expect to see photos of her new works posted soon.
jana ,
This news makes me very happy — Jacqueline is so very talented, and the idea of seeing new work from her is pretty exciting. Glad you got those boxes unpacked, Jacq 🙂
Tammie Crawforth ,
Gorgeous gorgeous! Glad to hear she’s back at it. 🙂
Selma ,
Greta work! I love it!
Glad to see that shoe again! That was a really fun contest and I got to go to the reception in Los Angeles even though my shoe was definetly not in the winner category. Learned a lot just doing it. Looking forward to seeing Jacquline’s work again.
I love learning new polymer clay techniques!
Polimer Kilden Harikalar | Zone Web | Reklams?z ?nternet Sitesi ,
[…] Polimer kilden harikalar yaratmam??lar m? gerçekten de? Hazine sand??? ve dekoratif bir terlik : ) Kaynak […]
sandra ,
Beautiful shoe. I like the Mexican molds on the shoe.It looks the princes shoe. Thank Cynthia you always finding new techniques to show to the people who are interesting to learn more about what we can do with clay.
Jacqueline’s nature inspired work is some of my all-time favorite. I have clippings of her boxes and pendants from years ago.
I’d be delighted to see any new work from her!
Scenes from Clayathon | Philadelphia Area Polymer Clay Guild Reporter ,
[…] Guest Artist Jacqueline Cherie […]
Tamera Davis ,
Wow! What inspiration for me. Exciting and fun!