Sure, Percy Lau’s extra ear earrings are a little creepy. But they’re funny too and her contemporary jewelry includes twists on glasses and chocolate and other body parts, mostly in polymer. The ears are a hit on Etsy.

This Chocolate Feast tickled me too! In one ear, out the other. Don’t miss the headband. Have a fanciful weekend.
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
Fabulous! Wonderful!!!! My jaw is hurting from grinning. What a wonderful start to my day. Thank you, Cynthia. Thank you, Percy.
Nadelhexen ,
You have been nominated!
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Have a nice day!
sandra ,
Different art our imagination do not have limit to do any thing .
doreen kassel ,
these are great! love the headband!
Saw the 3rd ears on pinterest and emailed to my daughter whose response echoes yours, “Cool but kinda creepy.” I’m amazed at the creativity & sense of humor in the polymer community.
Melanie West ,
Brilliant, simply brilliant! And a bit creepy… in a good way… sort of. Reminds me of Margaux Lange’s Barbie Doll jewelry… http://www.margauxlange.com/
Selma ,
Hehehehehe… funny ear, everything is so unique and wonderful!!! 😀
What a wonderful and unique take on Polymer. And funny too! Great stuff.
Wo kann ich den In one ear ohrring bestellen ?
Gilbert Pothmann