My shoulder aches because of Christine Damm’s sumptuous style. Let me explain.
I’m silhouetting much of the artwork for my upcoming Global Polymer book (August 2013), removing the backgrounds in Photoshop like I do every day for PCD. This weekend I was sailing through the long list of assignments from the publisher until I hit upon Christine Damm’s photos.
The wires, the twists, the textures! Her beauties are dense with details that have to be outlined and carefully cut out on the computer. I’m taking a break, giving my mouse hand a rest and showing off my/her work.
You may enjoy Christine’s most recent post where she talks about her style and how it developed. “When you begin to dedicate substantial time to your artistic work, whatever it is, your style begins to emerge, no matter where your creative experimentation takes you,” she explains. ” Before I began using polymer as my primary medium, I felt that I really didn’t have a style,” she says. There’s no mistaking Christine’s style now and her pieces tell great stories.
Christine Damm ,
Thanks so much, Cynthia, for the super write-up! I was wondering how the book was coming.
Lynda Moseley ,
Christine is one of my favorite artists. She never fails to inspire.
I appreciate how hard you work to keep us informed of all things polymer…. guess I never stopped to think what you had to do to get things ready for posting…. so just know you are appreciated..!!!!
rmkdesign ,
Christine is consistently one of the most innovative and interesting polymer artists working today–while her style is instantly recognizeable, it is also instantly appealing-she manages to make everything she does look lush and complex and worthy of closer examination. Bravo!
Erin Prais-Hintz ,
Miss Christine is one of my very favorite people. I desperately want to take a class with her. I want to push my creative limits and I think she is the one to do it! Thank you for sharing this bit of lovely today! Seeing her name always makes me smile 😉 Enjoy the day. Erin
Ive always been aware of the work you’ve had to do to bring out each piece for us, Cynthia. I’ve been watching for a long time, seeing the results of that work you do with your computer magic. It really does make a tremendous difference. Thank you. You are so well loved in the polymer community.
For this kind of thing you need a graphics tablet and stylus!!! (My condolences to your mouse hand!)
Beautiful job, though — both hers AND yours!
Your style is stunning! I wish we were girlfriends next door! But I live in Memphis, and you probably don’t. I’m just ready to try my hand at polymer clay, and I’m excited! I started designing jewelry a year ago, and friends are calling me a jewelry artist! I’m just having fun!
Sabine ,
Lovely work Christine, a real conversation piece!
Cynthia we need a background removal tute… pretty please. There must be an easier way than the one I use. How about on Studio Mojo, I bet it will lead to more subscriptions. How’s the book coming on?
Sabine – I never thought of a photoshop tute. Thanks for the idea! The book is looking great…which is why I’m working so hard on the pix. Will share as soon as I can.