PCD readers have been clamoring for information about the mysteries of translucent clay. Missouri’s Ginger Davis Allman took the challenge and has written a crystal clear comparison of clays from different manufacturers, in varying thicknesses, and baked at different temperatures (go to the bottom of her page for that revelation).
She uncovers a few surprises and gives several helpful tips. It’s a must read and we’re indebted to Ginger for her research. Ginger’s entire site is a good read too – well written, pleasantly organized and a nice place to spend some time. A shout out to Christine Dumont who first passed the link along.
Valentines Day in Nepal

Valentines Day is becoming popular in Nepal and for the ladies in the Samunnat project, the holiday has taken on a special significance that Wendy explains in her post.
The ladies and the Board are daring to dream as the possibility of a facility for Samunnat becomes a reality – thanks to your donations. CLICK to donate.
Can they include a small shopfront to sell their pickles and incense? Could they make space for a little beauty parlour? It’s a big business in the area. Understand that are no botox treatments in Nepali salons! Only henna coloring and eyebrow threading. Here I am getting a lovely mustard oil massage in Kopila’s home! They slathered me in oil from head to toe and let me marinate until morning. The mustard is grown and processed locally.
“You have no idea what your donations mean to us,” says Kopila, “We realise that we are not doing this on our own; we are connected to people who love and care and encourage and support us, and we have new reserves of energy and courage to keep going. Dherai Dhanyabad!”
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. You are helping to turn a dream into reality. Hopefully we can meet the dream goal of $10K. That would mean that the women can experience the “luxury” of a light fixture in the working rooms that will glow during the 4 hours of power they get daily, a flushing “loo” and maybe fans to easy the sweltering heat. Luxury to some is routine for most of us.
I was pleased to hear that the Vancouver Polymer Clay Guild will take up a collection at their upcoming retreat. Thank you, Barb Alexander, for your leadership in that effort. Other guilds can do the same. The polymer community has always been about sharing. So share your love, forgo the Valentine chocolates and PLEASE donate to the cause and give the women of Samunnat a Valentine treat that will endure. Every donation brings us one step closer to building their home. Thanks in advance.
Ron Lehocky
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
Thank you to Ginger — I can’t wait to dive into your information. Truly translucent polymer is one of the holy grails of our polymer community. I think today’s post can be summarized under “community”. Ginger is helping to strengthen our polymer community by sharing technical information, and Cynthia and Ron’s leadership in supporting the Samunnat project are strengthening our community by enabling us to help each other in a meaningful and important way. Those of us who teach and share our discoveries do it with open hearts and deep pleasure seeing students play and grow and take our ideas to new places. Having this wonderful international community is one of our rich rewards. Donating to this project helps all of us nurture that community. Our community. Please donate today if you haven’t already. If $100 works for you, go for it. If $50 works, go for it. And if $5 works, go for it. You’ll feel happier after you’ve given. I PROMISE.
I say amen to that. You have made translucently clear what the international polymer community represents.
Thanks Ronna for you support and inspiration.
Thanks so much for the research! I am so pleased as Premo is one of my favorite brands to work with, in fact most of what I do is with Premo.
Lynda Moseley ,
I am so pleased to see my friend Ginger featured here at PCD. Ginger and I started experimenting with Pardo translucent together a few months ago, testing the limits of higher baking temps to see if it would result in a clearer finish. To see that she has been rewarded with a PCD feature of her own for her continued experimentation is wonderful. No one deserves it more!
Congratulations, Ginger!
Ginger Davis Allman ,
Cynthia, thank you so much for featuring my article today. I have learned so much from my fellow polymer clay artists over the years. It’s only right I repay the debt with a bit of information gathering and sharing. And thank you also for the very kind words about my website. You made me smile so big!
Earrings made from translucent polymer clay tinted with alcohol ink | The Blue Bottle Tree ,
[…] I’m sure most readers have already seen by now, my recent article was featured in Polymer Clay Daily. That was a most unexpected honor and I am pleased and thrilled that Cynthia Tinapple found my […]
Polymer headpins | Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] gave a clear explanation and comparison of translucent clays in an earlier PCD post and you’ll want to catch up with her more recent faux glass […]