When Arlene Groch‘s son asked her to cover a resin deer’s head to hang on the wall of his San Diego office, he was serious and it was a request she couldn’t refuse. The black and white pattern was his choice.
In a post on the Philadelphia guild site Arlene explains how she covered and baked the beast. Arlene doesn’t divulge what kind of business her son is in. Aren’t you curious to see how the mounted head looks in place?
For more of Arlene’s work, visit the Xanadu Gallery site. She was a finalist in this year’s Niche Awards (and not in the taxidermy category).
Guild web writer Sarah Sorlien sent the link along.
Denise Pettit ,
The Philadelphia polymer clay Guild rocks!
Melanie ,
Outrageous! Love it. “Deerclayer”…..hilarious and perfect.
Martha Aleo ,
Thanks Melanie! When Sarah asked me to put Arlene’s story and pictures up on the blog, I could not resist the pun.
What a cute idea!
sharp, beautiful and for a MAN! awesome!
@Melanie- DeerClayer! Priceless!
my dad recently gave me a bear skull……..sounds like a project for me and mom!
Sandra D. ,
cool design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so creative…I really wonder what her son does in San Diego?