At Creative Journeys Studios Kay Bonitz’ works jumped out at me. The pieces were stunning and the name was unfamiliar. Turns out that Kay is from Asheville, North Carolina and she’s known for her beading work. She hasn’t gotten around to adding her polymer pieces to her web site which is why we missed her.
Kay often adds beads and feathers to her polymer art. She haunts the outdoor stores and fishing supply places for embellishments like the fancy rooster feathers that bounce and wave when you move this textured brooch.
The back of each brooch is an unexpected treat and Kay often etches fortune cookie sayings and pithy remarks there. You can see some examples on the page I made of her polymer work.
Kristie Foss ,
How interesting – feathers! I’d love to see the motion on this brooch – too much fun! I wonder how the feathers hold up over time? Love the way she makes the back as intriguing as the front. Thanks for bringing her polymer work forward. 😉
Liz Hall ,
Wow glad you found her! love her work! Thanks for creating a page so we could see more.
Carol Shelton ,
What a treat for the shopper, buyer or recipient to enjoy the hidden beauty of the back of the pin or brooch. Her professionalism is evident. Just a little more work makes a big difference.
Alena ,
Wow! Now ownder these little wonders caught your attention. I love the colors and admire the original ideas!!!
Dorothy Siemens ,
Thanks for posting this – her work is really interesting and unique. Love the beads and feathers.
Barbara McGuire ,
Kay’s exquisite craftsmanship has been an inspiration to the entire Asheville guild. Not only is Kay a great artist – but a superb teacher as well. Her attention to detail is reflected in everything she presents. I’ve been in awe since I met her. If you like the polymer….I encourage you to see her beadwork!
Love Kay’s use of the fortune cookie sayings on the backs of the pins. Her work is inspirational and brings a smile to your face as well. How did she get the little tiny beads to stay on the rooster feathers? Thanks for making the index of her polymer work.
Wow! What fun to discover someone new who has already developed their own style. The extra time she puts in for the backs of each piece adds so much to the enjoyment of her work for us! I’m so glad you brought her out to the international stage, Cynthia. Thank you.
Maggie Maggio ,
I saw Kay’s cuffs at Synergy. Fabulous! Beautiful colors and exquisite finishing. Love them!