It’s time to catch up with the newest versions of Stroppel and Retro cane tutorial possibilities. Just when you thought these cane formulas had been explored thoroughly, Page McNall stretches her scrap into striped tubes, Antonina Lyamaeva from Germany wraps her retros into multicolored swirls while Linda Wentink extrudes hers in flat strips that look very Klimt-like. It pays to keep asking, “What if?”
Randee M Ketzel ,
Positively juicy possibilities– must explore that jellyroll variation today!
Linda ,
Not only does it pay to ask “What if?” when it comes to polymer clay, it is the most important questions when it comes to everything. Noting would change if we did not continue to ask “What if?” This question is the foundation of change, curiosity, and adventure.
Erin Prais-Hintz ,
Oh boy! Those are not leftovers by any means! That is the kind of polymer that I would like to learn to make, and I am teaching myself by trial and error. Buying a whole box full of clay today! Enjoy the day. Erin
Erin, You can learn the spiral rod with sophie arzalier’s book :
and it is also available in English!
Sandra D. ,
beautiful beads.