Trailblazing polymer

Levesque_on PCDaily

You are invited to follow along on the class blog as students at Carthage College begin their adventure in learning polymer. Read the syllabus, check the links and examine the work produced in this first college level studio course that focuses on color theory, textures, patterns and compositional strategies using polymer and mixed media.

This Lichened sculpture was created by Professor Diane Levesque. Polymer Clay Color Inspirations: Techniques and Jewelry Projects for Creating Successful Palettes by Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio is the required text for this course. Lindly and Maggie have been extremely instrumental in helping me to launch this course,” she says.

During the semester students will submit their work on the course blog. The class marks new territory for our community and you can witness the path they’re blazing.

  • reply Kristie Foss ,

    How exciting!! I’d love to be in Wisconsin to take this class. Can’t wait to see how the course develops, and to see the work students produce. The Haunani/Maggio book is a perfect base text for such a course. Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention.

    • reply Andrea Victoria Paradiso ,

      Wonderful to see The PC Community moving a long at a good clip. Kudos to you, Diane Levesque! I have signed up to follow your blog. If such a thing were to spread thru out many colleges across the world as fast a polymer itself has, we are in for a glorious ride. I am very much looking forward to getting peeks at your progress. I know you will all have a beautiful and joyous time!

      • reply Jan Montarsi ,

        Fantastic, cant wait till they start posting work. I hope they cover Finishes and Sanding & Buffing.

        • reply Cara Jane ,

          Wow wish I could of taken a polymer course at college! Will look forward to seeing how their work develops.

          • reply Marlene Brady ,

            Just finished Maggie Maggio’s color smashing workshop and loved it! I just downloaded Josef Albers “Interaction of Color” onto my iPad. A free version is offered as well as a full price version. I was happy to get the info from Professor Levesque’s helpful links on her course information. How exciting! I am following along also.

            • reply Tina McDonald ,

              what is the link to the blog?

            • reply Diane Levesque ,

              Cynthia, thank you so much for the wonderful comments and the support of the Polymer Clay Community!
              This promises to be a very exciting class. I have four art majors plus students with majors in environmental science, psychology, biology,and communications. I believe that teaching this Polymer Clay course at a Liberal Arts College is what will make it particularly worth watching. I will be encouraging all students to draw inspiration from their areas of interest. It’s a different kind of focus that I look forward to developing in this class.

              • reply Cathy Roth ,

                It I It is wonderful to see that Polymer Clay is finally being accepted into a College environment…have fun…wish I was there…

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