Pinterest sometimes let you crawl around in an artist’s head. Take a look at Betsy Baker’s boards on Pinterest.
You can see photo setups she’s considering, polymer canes she’s thought about, jewelry that appeals to her. Her sense of style is so authentic, so “her” that it makes me sigh with pleasure.

Sure, Betsy has a website and other online presences and shops, but with Pinterest she gives us more insight into how she thinks.
The painterly pendant is called Landscape 2 and it’s from her etched veneer series with extruded strings pressed in which she explains on Facebook. The earrings look like salvaged circles from an abstract canvas and they’re from an earlier version of her etched color series. Betsy sells a good tutorial about her methods but not about this etched color process yet.
the pinterest link doesn’t work, sadly.
Liz Hall ,
It doesn’t work for me either, but anyhow I love Betsy’s work, it so clean, well executed and I love her designs. One of my favorites on Etsy.
Betsy Baker ,
Thanks so much, Cynthia, for the lovely write-up! I do love Pinterest, though it can be terribly addicting. Here’s the correct link to my Pinterest boards : http://www.pinterest.com/stonehousestdio/
Thanks, Betsy. It’s fixed. (My thought at the last minute that it was a misspelling. Hah!)
Thank you Betsy, for the link to your boards. I’m following them now. And thank you Cynthia, for calling them to my attention!
oooohhhh! Love the earrings, especially!
Oh, oh, oh….sigh. The pendant. I love the pendant. The pallet, the design…it speaks to me. I love it.