Beefball Papa seems an unlikely name for a polymer artist from Bejing. It could be a bad translation.
There are few other clues to guide us and we will have to let this Chinese artist’s Flickr photos speak for themselves. You can see how he has moved from creating small vessels to larger items over the last year.

His latest mokume gane striped vases are particularly interesting.
The extruded strings make his vase resemble the colorfully melted candles that were popular in the 60s. Heidi McCullough sent the link to PCD. Let us know if you find more information.
link not
it works if you
click the pictures but not the name in the text
Frank Khow is his name some wonderful pieces on his Flickr.
genevieve williamson ,
I saw these a couple days ago (maybe on your pinterest Cynthia) and thought they were glass. I love when polymer fools me
Randee M Ketzel ,
Right on with the reference to the melted crayon candles of the 60’s–first thought that popped into my head. And the odd translation of his name is so much more interesting!I wonder how our names translate—
The vases are stunning. I saw them on Pinterest pinned by pinner Dara M. Thanks, Dara. Thanks, Cynthia!
PiperPixieDesigns ,
I love how everything just melds into one another. Like a trippy dream! This is inspiring work! Thanks for the share!
joanne ,
Love this! I think he may be my NEW favorite polymer artist.
Very inspiring