The first peek at the Racine Art Museum (in)Organic show left me without words. I didn’t even catch the proper title of Jeff Dever’s creeping polymer vine piece. Here’s the front and the back.

Jeff’s was the first jaw-dropping work I encountered in a stunning show.
This is going to be a mind-blowing weekend. Yikes! I need some time to soak in the fabulous polymer art before I try to explain it to you next week
Enjoy a quiet, speechless Friday.
Randee M Ketzel ,
Holy Toledo! Just when you think the man couldn’t get any more innovative…
LaLa ,
Stunning and speechless is right! I can’t wait to see this on a bigger screen so that I can see the details. In person would be better but, a cross country trip is not in my near future! This is another big leap for polymer artists everywhere!
Yay us!
jan montarsi ,