If you’ve been around polymer for a while you may, like me, think you’ve seen every cane possible. But then a cane brain like Meg Newberg shows her newest ways to make an imitative indigo dye cane and you shake your head in wonder. That soft-edged tie-dye look is challenging in polymer.
Her monthly cane subscription is one of the best deals out there. Each month she emails subscribers cane tutorials that baffle and delight.

I’m off to the studio to try this. Here’s a sampling of my first efforts. It took me several tries to get the hang of it.
You can sign up with Meg or buy back issues on her Etsy site and follow her on Facebook.
Barbara Poland-Waters ,
I’ve been a subscriber of her cane newsletters for over a year now. She always manages to come up with something really cool, that hasn’t been seen before. I think your first attempt is great, Cynthia!
Amazing! It really looks like indigo dying — your canes are great, Cynthia! I like the fact that the variety of results looks even MORE like actual shibori!
I’m so excited to see this! Your’s look more like what I was thinking than mine do. They look so cool. That’s what I was going for. I’m glad you played with it until you liked it. Thank you!!!
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Jaw dropping. Thanks for the share Cynthia.
Thanks. 🙂
I’m a subscriber too. You think you’ve seen everything and then along comes another Meg Newberg and you’re gobsmacked. AGAIN. And I’d be so happy if my first attempts were even half as good as yours!
Very nice and interesting. There are so many new ideas on your blog. Cynthia, I like your cane that looks more like real tie dye.
Carrie Harvey ,
Great job, Cynthia! l look forward every month to seeing what Meg’s come up with, and this one is stunning. I particularly like the multi-coloured examples she shows in the tutorial – keep up the good work, Meg!
Marlene Brady ,
Love her work! I took one of her spectacular workshops; she is a wonderful teacher! So much fun!
I am a happy subscriber. I am always excited to open my monthly tutorial from Meg. We in Tucson are lucky to have her attend some guild meetings. Also Meg has her paintings on her site…and now I own one of them! Lucky again!
Weekend Favorites | Polka Dot Cottage ,
[…] Tie-dyed polymer canes – from Meg Newberg, via Polymer Clay Daily. Tie Dye is a look I tried to duplicate in polymer clay canes a while back, and I never had much success. Meg figured it out, though! When I get my clay out again, I’ll be taking a look at this tutorial for sure. […]
Polymer Clay Indigo Shibori Canes | Polymer Clay Workshop ,
[…] This “fabric” was made with the indigo shibori canes from the July 2015 issue of Cane Builder. These canes were features on Polymer Clay Daily! […]
I have subscribed and wish to try this Polymer Clay Indigo Shibori Cane. Problem is that I cannot locate it anywhere. Please help do you have a copy I could buy?