It’s your week at the beach with polymer. Today JoAnne St. James replicates Connecticut sunsets and beach scenes. She translates the sky colors into beautiful Skinner blends. It’s a short step from a blend to landscape.
A handful of shells, some sand, sun touching the water – JoAnne gives the scenes finishing touches and then turns them into wearable summer memories.
The Skinner blend has been one of the most effective weapons in every polymer clay artist's arsenal since 1996 when Judith Skinner developed and refined the concept. In this interview with Judith, she tells a bit about the history of the Skinner blend and about her own history in the…
Who better than Judith Skinner, mother of the Skinner Blend, to design this great necklace whose color gradually grows darker? She donated the item to the Pingree silent auction. Judith has a new website you might want to visit. This triangle of Skinner blend folded over onto itself to form…
What is a "Skinny Skinner" you ask? Lots of polymer artists attribute this variation on the Skinner blend to Dorothy Greynolds (shown here at a 2004 Columbus, Ohio workshop). Instead of the typical triangle blends, narrow rectangular bands of color totalling the width of the pasta rollers are laid side-by-side…
Leanna Englert ,
Randee M Ketzel ,
lovely, especially the way she captured the reflection on the water.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
So awesomely beautiful. Makes me want to BE there. Thanks for the post.
I love your site…full of so much inspiration. I have worked with Polymer Clay for 17 years. I have a facebook page of my things KT Designs